Solving the riddles of succession planning for family businesses

Every established company will encounter challenges when confronting the thorny issue of succession planning. Family-owned businesses, however, often face particularly complex issues. After all, their owners may have to consider both family members who work for the company and those who do not. If yours is a family business, you may run into some confounding riddlesContinue reading “Solving the riddles of succession planning for family businesses”

Like every business, a start-up needs a sensible budget

An impressive 432,834 new business applications for tax identification numbers were submitted during October 2022, according to the U.S. Census Bureau. Indeed, despite the relatively higher costs of doing business these days, plenty of start-ups are still launching. One thing that every new company needs, along with a business plan, is a sensible budget. And thatContinue reading “Like every business, a start-up needs a sensible budget”